Club News - August

The formation of our WFS Regional Teams have been taking shape and we will soon be announcing who has been successful making it into squads after selections and trials.

The past week the West O65’s & O70’s squads met for their first friendly against each other and an opportunity for players to get to know each other ahead of the Regional Cup next month as well as a further trial for the North East O60’s in Dundee.

The Ayr Utd O70’s were proudly showing off a cup double after they were successful in scooping both the Glasgow Life, Glasgow Cup and Glasgow Trophy this year and then gents were invited on to the patch at Somerset park to take their applause.

Annan Athletic have been delighted to be the recipients of new kit bags, and Regional Rep Claire McCosh had a good evening at Syngenta WF as they look at various ways to continue to grow numbers at their sessions. (Tuesday, 6.45pm @ Grangemouth High School)

Well done all!