Club News

This week has been no different from the usual busy times all our clubs have but one with more opportunities to get our game out there.

This week we have been delighted to speak at a special presentation highlighting the impact of walking football on those with arthritis at the Versus Arthritis campaign. Hearing inspiring stories from organisers and participants on their journey in the game as we also continue to look at ways to promote and develop Walking Football.

Ayr Utd walking footballers enjoyed the opportunity to play at Somerset Park and we are always grateful to clubs recognising the hard work our walking footballers and organisers do on a weekly basis.

KA Leisure ventured over to European climes for their first trip abroad where Carnoustie Panmure also enjoyed walking football in the Portugal sun, but it was EK Gerihatricks who were victorious in Spain coming home champions!

Our Regional Team Managers and Assistant have been busy arranging trials and this has been seen the West of the country this past week with O60’s trialling out at Nethercraigs, Pollok. There was success in Morecambe as Pollok Utd were victorious bringing the shield back home to Scotland.

And finally, closer to home it has been great to see the work and development of the John Sutton Community Club as they work closely with BrainKind for their ‘Get Moving in May’ campaign using walking football as a tool to do just that as well as supporting Rehab.

Well done all and keep enjoying what you do!

ayr utd

ka leisure

west 60’s regional trials