Player of the Month (February) - Anne Smith & Stuart Campbell

In partnership with CHSS, we’re keeping up with our monthly spotlight on Walking Football Scotland Players of the Month! 

For February the Walking Football Scotland Women’s Player of the Month is Anne Smith! Anne, 64, plays with Jeanfield Swifts.

Walking Football Scotland Men’s Player of the Month is Stuart Campbell! Stuart, 68, plays with Oriam.

Congratulations Anne and Stuart! They shared their reflections on what Walking Football means to them.

Why did you get involved in walking football?

Anne: “I played football as a youngster with the boys but growing up in the 60s and early 70s I was not allowed to play competitively. Apart from the odd game of 5 a sides in my 20s and 30s, I never got the opportunity to develop in the sport I love. Then along came walking football in my 50s and changed my life!”

Stuart: “I got involved in Walking Football as an opportunity to get out of my house and socialise with others, as well as a chance to improve my physical and mental health.”

What positive impact has walking football had on your life?

Anne: “Walking football has had a massive positive impact on my life, the joy I get from playing my favourite sport, the new friends and memories I have made, it helps me keep fit into my 60s and the pride I get on playing for my team and enjoying our successes.”

Stuart: “Playing Walking Football has reduced the feelings of loneliness and depression. I have made so many new friends giving me a better outlook on life as well as improving my fitness.”

What would you say to encourage others to come along?

Anne: “I am always encouraging women I know and meet to give it a go, even if they haven’t kicked a ball before. I have seen so many women in our Jeanfield Swifts walking football group enjoy huge health and wellbeing benefits from participating in the sport. If in doubt find a local club, through Walking Football Scotland website and give it a go…it just might be the best decision you have ever made!”

Stuart: “You don’t have to be good at football or fit, everyone is welcome and part of the team!”