Player of the Month (July) - Alan Cheyne & Mary Wake


In partnership with CHSS we are keeping up with our monthly spotlight on Walking Football Scotland Players of the Month! 

For July the Walking Football Scotland Women’s Player of the Month is Mary Wake! Mary, 56, plays with the Cumnock Striders.

Walking Football Scotland Men’s Player of the Month is Alan Cheyne! Alan, 63, plays with Walking Football Strikers Aberdeen.

Congratulations Mary and Alan! They shared their reflections on what Walking Football means to them

Why did you get involved in walking football?

Mary: “Having played football most of my younger days, walking football has now given me a great opportunity to get back into the sport. I never thought at my age this would be feasible but I am so grateful.”

Alan: “Have a history of heart issues resulting in heart bypass surgery in 2015. Following retirement in 2020 2 years of COVID pandemic really hit my confidence and I didn’t want to go out. Thankfully my good friend Pauline Smith, the owners of strikers Indoor Football, encouraged me to take part in the sessions at her establishment.”

What positive impact has walking football had on your life?

Mary: “Well it has given an opportunity to get back some fitness and improve my physical health. It is great to be part of a team again which is something I have missed. It has given me a purpose and I feel I am not ready for the shelf and it has been good for my mental health.”

Alan: “I feel so much more confident, I love being able to play football again with guys I last played with between 30 years ago. Health wise I feel much better and have made so many new friends thanks to the social aspect of being part of this group.”

What would you say to encourage others to come along?

Mary: “I would fully encourage others to join no matter what level they feel they are at there is room for everyone of all abilities. It is good to build your confidence and is a great way to make you feel part of something! Give it a go!”

Alan: “Do it, you’ll simply love it you make new friends, feel better both physically and mentally”