Walking Football Scotland SCIO is seeking nominations from Members for the election of vacant positions within the Board of Elected Trustees. The Board is seeking candidates with skills and experience considered beneficial to the Board and SCIO. Members have a period of 20 clear days from the date of this notice to make their nominations.

Nomination of any Elected Trustee shall be in writing by not less than two Members. The nominee, who must be a Member (or the Authorised Representative of a Member) shall provide a statement of not more than 200 words to explain the nominee’s suitability for the role. For nominations to be valid, they must be delivered to the SCIO’s Principal Administrative Address Office at 46 Hazelwood Avenue, Newton Mearns, Glasgow G77 5QS, or by email to Treasurer@walkingfootballscotland.org.

Election of any Elected Trustee shall be by the Board after interview. The Board can accept or reject nomination and no reason need be given.